Shelter is a basic human need; in fact, Psychologist Andrew Maslow lists it as a base need for human survival in his famous hierarchy of needs pyramid, right next to food and water. But as humans evolved over time, so did our needs. We were no longer seeking shelter to help us survive in our hunting and gathering communities but shelter to participate in large, complex industrial societies. So when ideas of ownership and property become a basis for cultural ideals, who's job is it to ensure that everyone in a society has access to an adequate home, one that goes beyond just shelter and provides the necessary support so that every individual has access to participate in the economy and advance themselves and their families?

In our thesis project for the SVA Masters in Branding program, my team set out to understand houselessness and housing insecurity through the lens of protection. 
Home is a complex physical entity and mental state. It's the foundation from which to develop higher human motivations. Home enables humans to heal, grow, ground themselves, evolve, rest and aspire. Home goes beyond just the four walls of a structure or a house: it encompasses access and safety, opportunity and nourishment.
Except, we know that isn't true.
Team: Jamie Loper, Sophia Sena, Edward Quiceno
Thesis Advisors: Dr. Dan Formosa, Shazeeda Bhola, David Kurushima
Thesis Guidance Team: Debbie Millman, Surabhi Rathi, Pablo Ulpiano, 
Emily Weiland, Amanda Gonzalez 

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